About Us

Beerologique is run by Andrew and Teodora, an English-Romanian couple passionate about drinking and promoting craft beers made in Romania. After managing pubs in the UK for 2 years, we came back in late 2016 to a blooming craft beer scene that needed someone to keep an eye on its rapid growth. And since we love our beers so much, we figured we might as well take on the task ourselves.

When not treating ourselves to some exquisite beverages and writing about what the brewers are up to, we’re also quite involved in promoting Romanian craft beer through both content, as well as events.

If you have more questions about what we do, there’s a handy FAQ right here.

So, noroc and read on for more information!

Events we organized (in Cluj-Napoca):

Events we collaborated on (in Cluj-Napoca)

Beer concepts:







  • event organizer, editor, brewer & consultant
  • thoroughly obsessed with his motorcycle
  • probably needs a shave
  • born and bred in Kent, UK, home of the Fuggles hops
  • favourite beer: Kveik Star by Hophead


Disclaimer: All information made available on this website is aggregated from public sources, such as the brewer’s website and social media pages, interviews, as well as face-to-face discussions with the brewers themselves. If you find any information that doesn’t add up, or if there’s anything we might have missed, please let us know.

Terms of use: Beerologique operates on a volunteer, non-profit basis. Apart from the breweries’ logos and some of the photos used in our blog posts, all images and content are our intellectual property, and we kindly ask that you respect that. You are, of course, welcome to use the information we provide, however please remember to give credit where it is due. The Beerologique logo and the Romanian Craft Beer Database tagline are not trademarked (because we prefer to spend our money on beer), however, again, we kindly ask that you do not use them for your own purposes or in connection to any activity that is not strictly related and credited back to our organization. Cheers!
